Everyone could use a bit of extra cash at the moment, and it’s always nice to know that you’ve found yourself a deal that’s saving you money. When you’re considering how to save money in Ireland there are a number of things that you can do. You can swap that morning coffee for one that you’ve brought from home, or your meal prep rather than making take away, or you can invest in solar energy with Solartricity. Installing solar panels is not usually immediately associated with how to save money in Ireland, but renewable energy can bring with it great savings.
How do solar panels help you save money?
When you’re considering how to save money in Ireland, solar panels are always a great option. This might, at first, seem a little counterintuitive because you have to invest into the panels first. But in the long term, the money that you will save will outweigh the investment. Over the last few years, solar and other renewable energy from wind and hydro has started to overtake fossil fuels in the National Grid and is currently generating 40% of the country’s electricity. So, it is clearly a popular option but the question remains whether or not people are dedicated to working with solar energy because of the savings or because of the positive impact on the environment. Here at Solartricity, we know that this is a concern for those of our customers wondering how to save money in Ireland, after all you don’t want to invest into something that isn’t going to bring anything back to you.
But solar energy does help you to save money because it helps to reduce your energy bills. Electricity prices are definitely on the rise, and the amount of time that we all spend in our homes at the moment is still very high. This means that you can be spending hundreds of euros a month on electricity, when you really don’t need to. Our PV system can help you to generate your own electricity, ensuring that you don’t have to pay so much into the national grid. It is difficult to know exactly how much electricity you’ll be generating because the weather in Ireland is so unpredictable. But even if it’s only generating fifty percent of what you need, that is still halving your energy bill. So if you’re wondering how to save money in Ireland, this really should be one of your first ports of call.
Working with Solatricity when considering how to save money in Ireland is a great choice because we can ensure that you’re receiving the highest quality of service. Our panels are designed to work efficiently and effectively, providing you with electricity even on a cloudy day. It is this advancement in technology that really makes solar power the answer to the question of how to save money in Ireland, and we really would recommend you taking a look at how it can benefit you.
Want to find out more?
If you’d like to find out more about how to save money in Ireland through solar energy, then feel free to get in touch with us today at 01 864 3721 or at web@solartricity.co.uk.